How it All Began

Years ago I watched the documentary “The True Cost” and it completely changed my life. It opened my eyes to issues I didn’t even know existed, and thats when I started my journey to a more sustainable lifestyle. I wanted to learn as much as I could about sustainability and how my lifestyle and purchases were affecting people and the planet.

The documentary focuses on the fashion industry, but the same is true for the furniture & interior design industry. You can find beautiful furniture at all price points, but at what cost to the environment, the people who make it, and our health?

With a background and education in Interior Design and Sustainable Design, I have made it my mission to design beautiful spaces that bring us joy, all while reducing our negative impact on people and the planet.

I recently partnered with Domeco, a local business that provides ecological and healthy finishing products for your home, to be able to offer my clients the best materials and finishes for their projects. We are collaborating to create resources for you to build your dream home - stay tuned!

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