What is Sustainable Interior Design?

The United Nations Brundtland Commission defined sustainability as: “meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs”.

Sustainable interior design considers the social and environmental impact of the materials and furnishings used in a project, as well as the health and wellbeing of the occupants of the space.

Sustainable bathroom design: Recycled tile, WaterSense certified faucet, natural & recycled decor elements. Design: Alex Shield Design, Photos: Catherine Ledoux Photographie.

There are multiple layers to sustainable interior design, starting with using what you already have! Here are the ways you can be more sustainable when designing or decorating your home:

  • Use what you have! If you have a piece of furniture or an accessory that you absolutely love but is showing some wear or it’s not in the right place in your home, maybe it just needs a little love! By refinishing or reupholstering an item you can give it a whole new life! 

  • Shop pre-loved! By shopping antique stores, estate sales and online market places, we can help to divert building materials and furniture waste from landfills. When you find the perfect piece, you can refinish and/or reupholster as needed and make it your own! Also, don’t you just love when a piece has history?

  • When you need to buy something new, choose quality! Opt for natural, sustainably sourced materials and buy local when possible. Also, avoid trends and buy what you love! You are more likely to want to invest in a piece (and keep it!) if it’s something you absolutely adore.

  • To save water, switch out your plumbing fixtures (faucets, toilets, shower heads, etc.) to those with a WaterSense certification. If all plumbing fixtures in a home were upgraded to those with a WaterSense certification, the average person could save 6000 gallons of water per year!! (source: https://www.epa.gov/watersense/statistics-and-facts)

  • Save energy by using EnergyStar appliances, LED light bulbs and keeping your energy use to a minimum. 

  • We spend over 90% of our time indoors so our indoor air quality is super important! Purchase an air purifier with an HEPA filter, which can help to remove dust, pollen, mould & bacteria from the air and open your windows often to allow the air to circulate.

  • The way that we design a space can have a direct impact on our health and wellbeing. Increasing natural light and bringing in elements of nature (e.g. plants, natural hardwood) has been shown to increase productivity and psychological brain activity (more on this in a future post!).

The most important tip is to not feel like you need to make all of these changes at once! Good design takes time and if we all make a conscious effort, we’re on our way to creating a better world for our children and our planet.


Is Sustainable Interior Design Expensive?